Monday, December 12, 2016

Young Minds and Itchy Trigger Fingers

The inquisitive minds of my classmates, speaking freely, showing real intrest, and emotion to their works, but with that being said there is a fine line between passion and genrally complaining. Looking over Jordan's post I have a few notes, a little praise with a side my own opinion, and thoughts. Let me start by syaing that I in generall agree with your post, placing a Fire Arm, Gun, or any other weapon in the hands of people who are experiencing great deals of anxiety, depression, stress, and a world of other proples unique to those of my colleges. In this we are in total agreement. Next we look at your post and as well writen as it is or is not,  you lack a realistic solution. Guns are gong no where in the great lone star state, but maybe we need to take a different approach to guns in general. A solution that will help would be gun safty being taught in schools and as crazy as that it is, this is texas, gun culture rules in the same way oil does. We need to educate Texans on gun saftly, what do in case of a dangerous sistution, gun maintance, backround checks, and making sure that all student intrested in keeping a gun on their person must have a concealed hand gun license. I am not saying this will stop mass shooting, but we need to stop be so scared of the reality we now face. We must be willing to experment, with that in mind we will fail, but succeed, and we will also grow as a state.

"The Nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools."
- Thucydides

Monday, December 5, 2016

Texas, Trump, and Money

OK! In this weeks mandated blogg asst I read about the up coming challanges that law makers will be facing this up coming year written by Ross Ramsey. The Texas House and Senate gather for 140 days every odd numbered year, well with this in mind texas will be meeting starting in January, about two to three weeks prior to Donald Trump taking office on the 20th of Janurary. What does this mean for our law makers? Glad you asked. It simplay means Texas will have to begin making and signing laws with full out knowledge of the Federal Goverments involvment and what laws and policies will affect Texas. Now in this artical it tackles two events, the first being Border Security and the second being Health Care. In short Texas is spending 800 MILLION DOLLARS on Border Security and thats not going to change (Sorry, Daisy), unless Trumps adminstration changes that to a federal issue and takes the burden off of Texas. Next it goes into health care and what that means for Texans on the Affordable Health Care Act and Medicade, in short if you use either of those two systems be ready to start looking for a second job, Texas law makers have made it very clear they will fight the Affordable Health Care Act at all cost and as for Medicade they want a Block Grant from the federal Governemnt. In short our brave men and women who will be making laws here very soon will be doing so with a blind fold on as far as federal Funding goes.

Ant-Man: "You're Going To Have To Take This To The Shop."
Iron Man: "Who's Speaking?"
Ant-Man: "It's Your Conscience. We Don't Talk A Lot These Days."- CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR

"Daisy, cross your fingers. "- Daisy's father as they wait to find out if Daisy will get to go to School based on a lottery system- Waiting for Superman

Saturday, November 26, 2016

When Thing Get Heated

Hmmmmmm.... well seems things like everything elce in texas(most of the time) are to hot to hadle and the election is surly one of them. After reading my colleague’s (Jordan) post on the emotional situtation facing Americas youth I would like to say "cool". I am not here today to to bash you or to tell you that your feeling are missplaced but, in a world full of anger we must hold our selves to a higher standard. I agree with you on most of your points but, as I said earlier we must keep a calm head and not let the events of other consume us. You gave very good points however, you lacked a system in which the the un-nerve can be healed.

To Caitlin Caputo who commented "We will continue to scream and fight until our lungs give out and our fists bleed" you have become part of the problem that my colleague’s talk about. We must join togeather to make situations change. When people loot, riot, and beat one another do to a differance in idology then there lies the issue, that human kind has failed. From failure come opertunity, we have all scene the Horriers that "both" have caused, no one person is with out blame but we can rebuildand grow and hopefully we can learn from both the good and bad of Trumps term.

               "I can't control their fear. Only my own."- Scarlet Witch (Captain America: Civil War)

Monday, November 7, 2016

Trust Issues

  • Doyin Oyeniyi's "How Much Will Voters Trust Election Results on Election Day" is an article covering the american people trust in our election system. Oyeniyi's starts off the most iconic figure for stating voter fraud in america Donald trump. Trump goes into saying how polls, media, and TV programs are all out to take him down and stop him from becoming the next president. Research shows more that regardless of being Democrat or Republican if the other side wins then the losing side will cry wolf.  The topic of voter fraud is nothing new George Bush had an investigation in which little to no evidence was found. But more importantly he address some issue with today's election system and the reason for Americas miss trust. Oyeniyi's brings up three main points "Politiqueras", voter intimidation, and voter anxiety. "Politiqueras"is a term used to describe when " people hired by local politicians gather mail in ballots of mostly elderly voter in areas with large Latinos populations". Next he address voter intimidation in which he references very real issue such as in Pennsylvania in which an incident occurred leading to the officials reminding the public that voter intimidation is a two year punishment with a $5000 fine. Next voter anxiety, with so much pressure on voter today with all that is going on it can lead to high levels of anxiety. Last last but not least he mentions voter fraud. Voter fraud is made to look to be a major issue even though little to no actual data. Ye,s voter fraud does happen in America but to the extent the republican leader have made it out to be does not exist. Doyin Oyeniyi's does not mention his qualification but does an amazing job of listing sources and giving case by case arguments for the many issue facing our election system today. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Burden of the Middle Class

Zach Montanaro's article titled "Obamacare Premiums to Rise 25% or More in 39 States" is exactly what it sounds like. The author wrote this for Conservative Republicans who are looking a holes in Obama's Affordable Health Care Act. Sadly, the author does not give his readers any background information on himself but he does attempt to use quotes and examples to help prove his points. In this short article he discuses how Obamacare rates are going to be increased thus questions the "Affordable" part of the Affordable health care act. He also mentions how this limits not only the users of Obamacare but also shifts the burden to the middle class. Those making 40k+ a year will have to much larger premiums then those who make 20k or less. He quotes Bill Clinton stating that its a "crazy system" and Obama describing it at "Growing pains". Personally I think government health care of subsidies is a great idea but placing the burden on those struggling to even stay in the middle class is not the answer and will event be the down fall of the Act. not to mention that this will also make it so 1 in 5 people will only have access to one health care provider. In short we see an increase in premiums and we also see a decrease in health care provider under the Affordable health care. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT)(the Senate Committee) is quoted saying  “does little to dispel the notion we are seeing the law implode at the expense of middle-class families.”

Monday, October 10, 2016

Invaders or Asylum Seekers?

Today I will be talking about refugees and their place in America or rather lack there of. In the article by  the "Texas Insider"  it discusses the dangers of allowing refugees to come into america with out proper screening. They inform the reader that several federal agencies have admitted to the lack of resources needed to properly screen each refugee for possible ISIS connections. However keeping in mind this article was written to control the american agenda by placing fear in the hearts of the everyday American. Its interesting how an article talking about credibility does not post the author of their Article. Where this article fails is not in in there passion to protect the american people and its interests but rather they fail by not giving a solution to the problem that will allow for america to shine a a beacon to all those in need. If america fights for freedom and democracy then how can we, as a nation turn away people who need our help. Texas congress is wrong to tell innocent people to go away with out offering a solution. America (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO TEXAS) was born from the dreams of people seeking asylum willing to leaving everything in the hope of a better life, the Obama administration is allowing for America to stand as beacon, as an example, and as a role model to the world that we will provide and over come any obstacle.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

                                          -Emma Lazarus

Monday, September 19, 2016

To Build a Wall of not to Build a Wall

A hot issue right now is immigration reform and Erica Grieder’s “The Surprisingly Sunny Prospects For Comprehensive Immigration Reform” does a great job of showing where our political leaders intend on taking immigration reform and the methods they intend to use for handling it. Hillary takes the approach that all illegal immigrants in the country should be granted citizenship and while her opponent suggests we merely make a “wall” which in some way will “make America great again”. Both sides seem to agree that a reform of our current policy regarding illegal immigration need to be overhauled and simply taking all of the illegal immigrants and taking them back to what ever their native lands maybe is an over whelming job. The article does take into account that in 1986 Reagan attempted to reduce the number of illegal immigration by passing a bill to allow them to become citizens how ever only half of the illegal population seem to have taken the deal in over thirty years. Trump has sat with the the Hispanic Republican Senator and made adjustments to his “tone” and agreed to “soften” his speeches when it comes to this topic. Trump has been in meetings with the Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto going over solutions to this current problem.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

            Friends and colleagues. Hows it going? Any ideas on how to make our campus better for students? Ideas for art or have an idea for an ACC event let me know! I am your Current ACC Highland Campus Senator and I look forward to getting to know each of y'all throughout the year.