Monday, December 12, 2016

Young Minds and Itchy Trigger Fingers

The inquisitive minds of my classmates, speaking freely, showing real intrest, and emotion to their works, but with that being said there is a fine line between passion and genrally complaining. Looking over Jordan's post I have a few notes, a little praise with a side my own opinion, and thoughts. Let me start by syaing that I in generall agree with your post, placing a Fire Arm, Gun, or any other weapon in the hands of people who are experiencing great deals of anxiety, depression, stress, and a world of other proples unique to those of my colleges. In this we are in total agreement. Next we look at your post and as well writen as it is or is not,  you lack a realistic solution. Guns are gong no where in the great lone star state, but maybe we need to take a different approach to guns in general. A solution that will help would be gun safty being taught in schools and as crazy as that it is, this is texas, gun culture rules in the same way oil does. We need to educate Texans on gun saftly, what do in case of a dangerous sistution, gun maintance, backround checks, and making sure that all student intrested in keeping a gun on their person must have a concealed hand gun license. I am not saying this will stop mass shooting, but we need to stop be so scared of the reality we now face. We must be willing to experment, with that in mind we will fail, but succeed, and we will also grow as a state.

"The Nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools."
- Thucydides

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