Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Burden of the Middle Class

Zach Montanaro's article titled "Obamacare Premiums to Rise 25% or More in 39 States" is exactly what it sounds like. The author wrote this for Conservative Republicans who are looking a holes in Obama's Affordable Health Care Act. Sadly, the author does not give his readers any background information on himself but he does attempt to use quotes and examples to help prove his points. In this short article he discuses how Obamacare rates are going to be increased thus questions the "Affordable" part of the Affordable health care act. He also mentions how this limits not only the users of Obamacare but also shifts the burden to the middle class. Those making 40k+ a year will have to much larger premiums then those who make 20k or less. He quotes Bill Clinton stating that its a "crazy system" and Obama describing it at "Growing pains". Personally I think government health care of subsidies is a great idea but placing the burden on those struggling to even stay in the middle class is not the answer and will event be the down fall of the Act. not to mention that this will also make it so 1 in 5 people will only have access to one health care provider. In short we see an increase in premiums and we also see a decrease in health care provider under the Affordable health care. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT)(the Senate Committee) is quoted saying  “does little to dispel the notion we are seeing the law implode at the expense of middle-class families.”

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